Like, when hostages are in close proximity to suspects, the suspects might be more inclined to threaten to shoot the hostages rather than just start shooting your team. Variable combinations will undoubtedly show up in interesting ways too. That kind of unpredictability usually only shows up in multiplayer games. That’s an amazing thing to accomplish in a single-player mode of a game.

I can play the same map for three hours straight and have a different experience every time (playing the map at least twenty times within that three hours). – The enemy skill is randomized, so in a gunfight you don’t always know if your teammates are going to be completely unharmed, shot in the shoulder, or completely brought down.Īll these things combined create a unlimited supply of unique experiences.

– You can choose your squad’s loadout – lethal or non-lethal weapons, which grenades they have, which (if any) tactical equipment they have (like door wedges)… all of which influence your mid-mission decision making.
#Swat 4 ps4 how to
Locked doors require additional thought on how to proceed. – Doors in the map are randomly locked or unlocked. – Maps are set up in a way so that the player has a huge range of possible entry points and infiltration progressions. – Enemy and hostage “morale” (meaning how likely they are to submit to handcuffs) is different with each person, and changes every time you load the mission. – Enemy and hostage locations are randomly placed throughout the map and change every time you load the mission. But games like SWAT 4 not only have everything that I mentioned in typical action games like Uncharted, but have a lot of variables in the way the experience is presented which keep it fresh nearly every time! These variables were built into the career mode to ensure a true concern for every corner and room in the map giving the player a more realistic feeling of nervousness. There are just a few options here and there to make it seem like more than watching an action movie. For example, Uncharted 2 has variables in the way that my shooting success rate might vary, where I choose to go in the map might vary, my mood (aggressive or conservative) might vary and be reflected in my choices… but overall, when playing through the campaign it’s pretty much always the same experience. But you might find that some have way more than others. What makes a game seem to have infinite replay value are the variables.